My “Make Friends, Not Enemies” Guarantee To You

It only makes sense to me that every business in the world owes its clients a performance guarantee, without which it should not be granted a license to sell anything to anybody, at any time, EVER.

Yet few businesses have the guts to offer a guarantee. I do. And I live by it.

For 39 years, I’ve not permitted anyone to walk around saying they’ve wasted money with me… and I’m not about to start with you.

Here it is:

100% Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee.

My strategic planning, keynote speeches, and workshops are guaranteed. If I do not deliver on my promises (upon which we agree before the engagement begins), and still do not deliver even after you notify me and I attempt to correct the shortcoming, I will continue to work at no additional charge until the promised outcome is achieved. If still unacceptable to you, I will refund whatever portion of the fee you deem fair, up to the full 100%. This has been my commitment to clients for over three decades – because I’m in business to provide tangible value, not make enemies. If I don’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, and I won’t keep it.

That’s my pledge to you,
Rick Houcek